šŸ§  Funky Framework Generator

PLUS: design a magical customer experience

Hey there šŸ‘‹

In todayā€™s Product Prompts:

  • How to design an 11-star customer experience

  • Drop #2 is here: a free tool to generate frameworks from any URL

  • Create personalised ice-breakers for your LinkedIn outreach

  • and more šŸ‘‡

Iā€™m Martin of Product Prompts. Iā€™ve co-founded multiple startups (fintechs) and led corporate ventures, and now offer product strategy consultancy services, including helping forward-thinking clients with the knowledge, tools and training to figure out their AI strategy for their products and internal workflows. Get in touch to learn about how I could help you.

šŸ’¬ Prompt Deep-dive: Design a magical customer experience

In a world of Minimum Viable products and Lean Startup, itā€™s all too easy to forget the importance of a delightful customer experience. A sense check for this that Iā€™ve found useful is the 11-star experience exercise, popularised by AirBnB founder Brian Chesky.

As Brian puts it,


ā€œIf you want to build something thatā€™s truly viral you have to create a total mindf**k experience that you tell everyone about.

Brian Chesky

So if you want to give your customers an experience so remarkable they canā€™t help but tell others about your product, you should try it!

Hereā€™s how it works:

  • Describe a crappy experience with your product (1-star)

  • Describe an amazing experience with your product (5-star)

  • Keep going until you get to an experience so absurd it would be impossible (11-star)

The sweet spot you should go to market with is a 7-star experience (in as lean and unscaleable way as possible).

As always, ChatGPT can help with inspiration here. Hereā€™s the set of prompts I use (this gives much better results than simply asking ā€œDo you know the 11-star experience exercise by Brian Cheskyā€? and following up with getting it applied to your product idea).

I'm going to give you a product idea, and I want you to help us with generating ideas for the 11-star experience exercise. Start with 5-stars, which is the absolute basic essential experience, then work up to 11-stars, which is fantastical and impossible. Here's an example for AirBnB:

A 5-star experience is: You knock on the door, they open the door, they let you in. Great. Thatā€™s not a big deal. Youā€™re not going to tell every friend about it. You might say, ā€˜I used Airbnb. It worked.ā€™ So we thought, ā€˜What would a 6-star experience be?ā€™

A 6-star experience: You knock on the door, the host opens and shows you around. On the table would be a welcome gift. It would be a bottle of wine, maybe some candy. Youā€™d open the fridge. Thereā€™s water. You go to the bathroom, thereā€™s toiletries. The whole thing is great. Thatā€™s a 6-star experience. Youā€™d say, ā€˜Wow I love this more than a hotel. Iā€™m definitely going to use Airbnb again. It worked. Better than I expected.ā€™

Whatā€™s a 7-star experience? You knock on the door. The host opens. Get in. ā€˜Welcome. Hereā€™s my full kitchen. I know you like surfing. Thereā€™s a surfboard waiting for you. Iā€™ve booked lessons for you. Itā€™s going to be an amazing experience. By the way hereā€™s my car. You can use my car. And I also want to surprise you. Thereā€™s this best restaurant in the city of San Francisco. I got you a table there.ā€™ And youā€™re like, ā€˜Whoa. This is way beyond.ā€™

So what would a 10-star check in be? A 10-star check in would be The Beatles check in. In 1964. Iā€™d get off the plane and thereā€™d be 5,000 high school kids cheering my name with cars welcoming me to the country. Iā€™d get to the front yard of your house and thereā€™d be a press conference for me, and it would be just a mindf**k experience. So what would an 11-star experience be? I would show up at the airport and youā€™d be there with Elon Musk and youā€™re saying: ā€˜Youā€™re going to space.ā€™

The point of the the process is that maybe 9, 10, 11 are not feasible. But if you go through the crazy exercise, thereā€™s some sweet spot between ā€œThey showed up and they opened the doorā€ and ā€œI went to space.ā€ Thatā€™s the sweet spot. You have to almost design the extreme to come backwards. Suddenly, doesnā€™t knowing my preferences and having a surfboard in the house seem not crazy and reasonable? Itā€™s actually kind of crazy logistically, but this is the kind of stuff that creates great experience.ā€

After generating experience suggestions from 5 stars through to 11 stars for the product idea, you will announce the 7-star experience as the sweet spot.

Do you understand your role here?

Yes, I understand my role. I will generate experience suggestions from 5 stars to 11 stars for the given product idea, and announce the 7-star experience as the sweet spot.

Great. The product idea is: a payments app that gives you cashback when you spend with environmentally-friendly companies.

Sure! Here are some experience suggestions for the payments app:

5-star experience: You download the app and sign up easily. You connect your bank account and start using it to make payments with environmentally-friendly companies. You receive a small amount of cashback on each transaction.

6-star experience: You download the app and sign up easily. You connect your bank account and start using it to make payments with environmentally-friendly companies. The app provides personalized recommendations for eco-friendly companies based on your preferences. You receive a moderate amount of cashback on each transaction.

7-star experience (the sweet spot): You download the app and sign up easily. You connect your bank account and start using it to make payments with environmentally-friendly companies. The app provides personalized recommendations for eco-friendly companies based on your preferences. The app also provides tips and resources for living a more sustainable lifestyle. You receive a generous amount of cashback on each transaction. Additionally, the app donates a portion of its profits to environmental organizations.

8-star experience: You download the app and sign up easily. You connect your bank account and start using it to make payments with environmentally-friendly companies. The app provides personalized recommendations for eco-friendly companies based on your preferences. The app also provides a carbon footprint tracker that helps you monitor and reduce your carbon footprint. You receive a significant amount of cashback on each transaction. Additionally, the app hosts events and workshops focused on sustainability and environmental issues.

9-star experience: You download the app and sign up easily. You connect your bank account and start using it to make payments with environmentally-friendly companies. The app provides personalized recommendations for eco-friendly companies based on your preferences. The app also provides a carbon footprint tracker that helps you monitor and reduce your carbon footprint. The app also partners with local eco-friendly businesses to provide exclusive discounts and promotions. You receive a substantial amount of cashback on each transaction. Additionally, the app hosts exclusive experiences and trips focused on sustainable travel and eco-tourism.

10-star experience: You download the app and sign up easily. You connect your bank account and start using it to make payments with environmentally-friendly companies. The app provides personalized recommendations for eco-friendly companies based on your preferences. The app also provides a carbon footprint tracker that helps you monitor and reduce your carbon footprint. The app also partners with environmental organizations to support conservation efforts and promote sustainable practices. You receive a significant amount of cashback on each transaction, and the app rewards its most environmentally-conscious users with exclusive experiences and rewards. Additionally, the app offers a feature that allows you to offset your carbon emissions by investing in renewable energy projects around the world.

11-star experience: You download the app and sign up easily. You connect your bank account and start using it to make payments with environmentally-friendly companies. The app provides personalized recommendations for eco-friendly companies based on your preferences. The app also provides a carbon footprint tracker that helps you monitor and reduce your carbon footprint. The app also partners with eco-friendly businesses to offer exclusive experiences and rewards for its users. Additionally, the app offers a feature that allows you to invest in green technology and renewable energy projects. Finally, the app partners with governments around the world to promote sustainable policies and support environmental conservation efforts. As a top user, you receive a once-in-a-lifetime experience to visit a remote location and witness the positive impact of the app's sustainability initiatives firsthand.

šŸ› ļø Cool new tools

Everylead - Sales
Personalised ice breakers for LinkedIn.

LookUp YC - Founder insights
Unlock the Wisdom of Y-Combinator: Find insights and answers to all your start up questions from YC videos.

Join the waitlist

Luca - Pricing
Pricing Co-Pilotā€ for your e-commerce business. Supercharge your team with an AI-based pricing system to create margin and revenue gains.

šŸ§  Drop #2 - Funky Framework Generator

How often do you read a long article that is really insightful and useful, but you lack the mental model to remember it and apply it in your own life or job?

This weekā€™s free drop is a Funky Framework Generator. All you have to do is input the URL of the web page you want to ā€œframeworkifyā€, and you get an instant step-by-step framework, along with examples and a mnemonic for easy recall (and a groovy name).

By adopting frameworks, teams can better understand the problems and identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be instantly apparent. Frameworks help structure the process, spark innovation, and stimulate collaboration. They are essential building blocks for guiding solutions to problems.

Hereā€™s an example using an article from Reforge, ā€œGrowth loops are the new funnelsā€ ā†’

I created this drop with the help of a new tool from Ankit Gordhandas, called Zapbots, just released today, and I couldnā€™t resist putting it to use. Give it a try yourself - you just need a Zapier account. Let me know what you make and Iā€™ll include it in a future newsletter!

šŸ‘€ Donā€™t forget to look out for Sundayā€™s AI Audit.


AI Audit - an analysis of AI growth opportunities for a well-known product.

Each week, in addition to the weekday newsletter like this one, I put myself in the shoes of a product team, ideate the generative AI opportunities and call out what I think would add the most value to the customers.

Thanks for reading, and happy prompting!

Martin, Chief Prompt Officer


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